Inner-Honoring Activities Bring You Inspiration

Inner-Honoring Activities Bring You Inspiration

Dec 31, 2022

 With a healthy inner-and-outer glow, you get into that sweet spot of joy and allow inspiration to find you, to support you, and to sustain your state of grace. 

Self-care is preventative medicine. It is a direct way of nurturing and loving yourself.   As an essential part of my daily and weekly scheduling, and I hope it is, or soon will be, yours too.

When you feel good, good is attracted to you and good will move through you. 

When you are happy, you make better decisions, do better work, and are more loving to those around you. 

When you honor yourself in everyday activities, you set out a signal for more good to come your way. 

I’m not the only one who recognizes how important personal care is to creative endeavors, business success, stronger intuition and healthy relationships. 

Richard Branson, entrepreneur extraordinaire, states, “I have always made my health and wellness a priority. The simple fact is that if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of business.” So unplug yourself from doing and relax into being.

John Gray, thought leader and author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, also addresses the importance of renewal time in his book, Beyond Mars and Venus. He advocates what he calls “You Time, We Time, and Me Time” to improve hormonal health and overall well-being, which increases relationship happiness, too.

So how can you renew and ensure balance in your life? How do you create more sustainable energy for the long term? 

I encourage you to make a list of your favorite acts of self-care, which I like to call “Inner-Honoring Activities”. Make this list on a digital notes app, paper journal or calendar, paper posted on the fridge, or somewhere that  you can refer to often. 

Divide the activities into

  • 5-minute Resets 
  • 20-minute Turnarounds 
  • 2-hour Renewals 

Examples of 5-minute Resets: Stretch. Drink water. Listen to a favorite song. Do a breath exercise. Dance. Go outside and breathe. Make a list of things you are grateful for. Listen to one of my Wisdom Activations HERE.

Examples of 20-minute Tune-Ups: Walk. Play an instrument. Call an encouraging friend. Yoga. Dance. Read an inspirational passage. Journal. Listen to a guided visualization. 

Examples of 2-hour Renewals: Get a massage. Paint. Create a vision board. Take a personal spa day. Do something you love in nature. Write yourself a love note. 

How often do you give yourself the gift of Inner-Honoring Activities? 

My recommendation is this: 

  • One Reset every hour.
  • One Turnaround every day.
  • One Renewal every week. 

How will you make these acts of self-care a reality in your life? 

Once you have your list of Inner-Honoring Activities, schedule time in your calendar. You may want to set alerts to remind yourself to Reset, as these happen hourly. With the Turnarounds, make your daily self-care appointment and keep it. As for the Renewals once a week, this is sacred time for you. Make sure you pick a time when you can fully relax into your chosen activity.

You deserve it.

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