Learn more about transformational opportunities to gather with fellow courageous creators in a vibrant, sacred community. 

The Creators Circle: Group Six-Month MasterHeart 

Every other Thursday, 11 am PT / 2 pm ETThe next cohort will begin in January 2025.

For Visionary Women Dedicated To Their Inner And Outer Work. Are you a visionary woman choosing to step into your fullest expression? Is there a next level of impact you are birthing? Are you looking for a safe container to grow spiritually and professionally?

At times, you may feel isolated in your creations. This is not uncommon for women. Sometimes, it can be hard to see clearly, discern priorities, and make wise choices. Being in the Creators Circle MasterHeart Program offers a profound level of support, inspiration, and insight. You'll have the exponential benefit of receiving others’ wisdom, experiences, and resources.


The Relationship Series with Gavin and Joy

Coming in January 2025

Join us and explore new frontiers in intimacy. This workshop series is for conscious singles and couples who desire to learn keys for creating authentic, fulfilling and long-lasting loving relationships.

We offer a soul-inspired perspective on the nature of relationships. Each workshop brings to life a specific topic relevant to the territory of intimacy for both singles and couples.


A Woman's Way Of Awakening Retreat - Mt. Shasta

Thursday through Sunday, September 11th - 14th 2025 - Retreat in Mt. Shasta, CA

Designed for women who want to experience deeper intimacy, authenticity, and joy in all aspects of their lives. Join us in Mt. Shasta for a rejuvenating weekend, where we will play together in nature—all while creating space for a magical transformation, self-discovery, empowerment and love. 


A Conscious Singles Retreat

Friday through Sunday-June 20-22, 2025Retreat in Ashland, Oregon

Join a community of beautiful souls saying YES! to conscious loving, aligned dating, and sustained success in intimate relationships. We welcome you to join us for this unique gathering—a rare combination of nature, potent Self-discovery, play, energetic embodiment practices, and ceremony. 


Mt. Shasta Immersion Retreat: 

Immersion retreats are custom-designed for individuals, couples, or small groups and allow for empowered collaboration with one another.

Relax and renew in the beauty of Mt. Shasta and the high-frequency sacred lands of far Northern California.

I'm here to guide and support you in identifying, honoring, and moving forward on manifesting your deeper prayers. You'll experience new levels of embodied aliveness and walk away with innovative tools and practices for living a more authentic, creative, and intuitive life. 

Your personalized two or more days will include a profound flow of transformational experiences -personal soul remembering, mentorship, embodiment practices, yoga, intuitive readings, ceremonies, and contemplative sacred time in the healing presence of nature. 


Join our community. 

Sign up for my email list to receive invitations, updates, and inspiration for your awakening journey. I’ll also send you my Energy Tune, “Grounding to Gaia,” so you can stay attuned to Earth Consciousness as you open to more Spirit in your body.