During these times of uncertainty and chaos on the planet, we are all being called to establish greater security within and lead from our hearts. For those who feel deeply, sense energy, and cherish the sacred, a grounded commitment to truth, compassion, and self-honoring practices becomes essential. 

And if you are like me, you want to contribute to a better world, serve others, and creatively express your gifts for the betterment of humanity.

Live from love and truth.

As conscious creators, we can awaken our Souls, tend to our human potential, enjoy nourishing relationships, and live in harmony with this planet. When you shine your light, you illuminate your path and change the trajectory of your precious life.

Is this your desire? Your intention? Your prayer?

Joy Taylor sitting by a lake


You may be at a crossroads in your life, career, or relationships.

Maybe you’re looking for support in navigating difficult choices. Perhaps there is an evident dismantling of old beliefs or structures in your world. It might feel like things are falling apart, yet you sense an invitation to a new understanding of yourself.

I am here for you, and I get it.

As you evolve, your perceptions will change. You'll be prompted to release old patterns, misaligned circumstances, and unhealthy relationships. The outer world will shift as you encounter your deeper nature—your Soul essence.  

Disruption and loss become catalysts for Soul evolution. Healing and integration bring you home to yourself, where you find more stability than you imagined.



For me, navigating life's journey is a delicate and brave process of continually letting go and re-aligning with my truth. Loss and difficult passages have often catalyzed massive shifts in my work, finances, and health. I have learned to affirm "yes" to my awakening, come what may. This clarity of prayer led me to this moment of my life's expression, and I've never been happier.

Together, we can explore your sacred journey of awakening, establishing security within, and making bold moves as you birth your newly forming soul's vision.

I am devoted to evolving in consciousness in all that I do.

Everyone on our team and all our co-creative partners live in alignment with our core values, and we make our business choices based on these guiding standards.

You may be at a crossroads in your life, career, or relationships. Maybe you’re looking for support in navigating difficult choices. Perhaps there is an evident dismantling of old beliefs or structures in your world. It might feel like things are falling apart, yet you sense an invitation to a new understanding of yourself.

I am here for you, and I get it.

As you evolve, your perceptions will change. You'll be prompted to release old patterns, misaligned circumstances, and unhealthy relationships. The outer world will shift as you encounter your deeper nature—your Soul essence.  

Disruption and loss become catalysts for Soul evolution. Healing and integration bring you home to yourself, where you find more stability than you imagined.



For me, this was a delicate and brave process of letting go and re-aligning with my truth. Loss and difficult passages catalyzed massive shifts in my work, finances, and health. I affirmed "yes" to my awakening, come what may. This clarity of prayer led me to this moment, and I've never been happier.

Together, we can explore your sacred journey of awakening, establishing security within, and making bold moves without.

A Soul Inspired Life, Inc. is a company dedicated to evolving consciousness. We foster an international community where you can live, love, and lead a soul-inspired life. 

Everyone on the team and all my co-creative partners live in alignment with core values, and we make our business choices based on these guiding standards.

Joy's Professional Journey

Joy Taylor is a leadership mentor, magic maker, and a catalyst for transformation. As a companion guide in awakening, she honors the principles of nature and each individual's innate ability to heal and experience greater, sustainable happiness.

The author of the #1 Amazon best-selling book Inspired, she is passionate about empowering people to contribute to a better world through spiritual embodiment and inspired action.

Her rich and varied background includes being a soul-somatic integration therapist and intuitive healer, corporate marketing and sales trainer, college-level business faculty member, and Director of The Women’s Business Center in Northern California.   

Joy's wisdom stems from direct experience and rich spiritual and nature-based traditions. A mystical and esoteric arts student, she weaves dance, music, writing, and visual expression into her alchemical work as a companion guide in awakening. She is a licensed massage therapist, certified yoga instructor, and certified Jin Shin practitioner.

As a successful entrepreneur and Business Intuitive Advisor, she has helped thousands of professionals, healers, practitioners, coaches, and trainers build profitable, purposeful businesses. In 2019, she developed The Business Soul MAP ™ - a flexible, visual framework that creates clarity and momentum for leaders building businesses in alignment with their visions and values.

She happily lives in Mt Shasta, CA, and loves creating a vibrant life with her Beloved husband, Gavin. Together, they share a mission to offer workshops, programs, and retreats that support people in finding, growing, and sustaining conscious, healthy relationships.

Are you looking for an inspirational speaker or podcast guest?

As an intuitive, embodied speaker, I love being spontaneous and weaving stories with engaging activities and practical steps. My style is interactive, reflective, and healing by nature. Through my words and energy, I aim to inspire and empower, inviting personal revelations. Speaking is alive, fun, and dynamic, always new and based on the audience's needs.


“Prolific in multiple disciplines with a breadth and depth of knowledge, Joy’s heart-warming and humorous stories illustrate and inspire soul-inspired living. She is humble and authentic in presentation and practical by nature - offering relevant and action-oriented next steps and tools for leaders, lovers, and creators.”

- Nuna Isi Ma, Author and Host of Wise Women Rise Podcast.

How to get started...

I invite you to explore my programs and events. You will be held in a loving space with gentle accountability and intuitive insights. With compassionate support, I celebrate you and look forward to meeting you! 

Joy Taylor

Joy's journey in her own words...

"A lifelong devotion to spiritual awakening guides my way. As a highly sensitive and intuitive person, I’ve learned to navigate life with empathy and energetic alignment. At five, I had a mystical experience connecting with the light of Christ, which opened my heart and initiated a spontaneous decision to change my name from Jo to Joy.

My attraction to spirituality directed me to a diverse lineage of teachers and pilgrimages to sacred sites and natural wonders worldwide. I’m honored to support you in accessing and remembering the presence of your soul and honing your ability to listen and act from this wisdom.

Mt. Shasta has been my home since 1998, and I continue to revel in the region's beauty. I enjoy playing guitar, cooking, outdoor adventures, and doing anything with my beloved partner, Gavin. My dream is for all women to experience deep, honest, and uplifting love with themselves and a partner 'beyond their wildest dreams.'

I invite you to learn more about my story through my blog posts and video links below."


Catalyst for Growth And Awakening

People are telling me I’m different.

A Willingness to Witness

The Universe Bends Towards Justice

The Authentic Self Shines Through Your Personality

My path of receiving and how it changed me

Tools for living a soul-inspired life.

Get the FREE Chapter on Intuition from Joy’s book Inspired, plus the 'Seven Wisdoms in Seven Days' email series, which invites you to trust, receive, and take inspired action.

Tools for living a soul-inspired life.

Get the FREE Chapter on Intuition from Joy’s book Inspired, plus the 'Seven Wisdoms in Seven Days' email series, which invites you to trust, receive, and take inspired action.

Join our community. 

Sign up for my email list to receive invitations, updates, and inspiration for your awakening journey. I’ll also send you my Energy Tune, “Grounding to Gaia,” so you can stay attuned to Earth Consciousness as you open to more Spirit in your body.