I’m honored to be a companion guide in awakening for conscious creators and students of life and love. 

My work is primarily about helping people open to greater authenticity, intimacy, and creativity. It is highly practical and naturally sequential. I’m interested in your steady progress and the subtle shifts in consciousness that change the trajectory of your life. I support you in taking courageous steps towards your vision. 

You are worthy of an extraordinary life.

A life in which you follow your joy, express your gifts and create in harmony with your soul.

Joy Taylor sitting by a lake

Aligning with your heart, with its wings of love and truth, allows you to soar as a soul-inspired leader and courageously create good in the world.

Why Mentorship?

Receiving support and wisdom from a seasoned mentor illuminates blind spots, invites graceful forward momentum, and amplifies the transformation journey. That’s why I offer private mentorship. 

My gift is seeing your highest potential and offering compassionate, intuitive insights as you organically discover the empowering changes you are called to make - in your life, physical body, professional work, and relationships.

I am an extra set of eyes, perceiving and visioning with you, sharing relevant wisdom, shedding light on shadows, and exploring experiences that inspire and empower you. 

A mentor who is aligned with your heart can be the wind under your wings.


Who do I work with?

I work with people who are ready, able, and willing to enter an intimate, transformational space to ground their spirituality and make lasting positive changes in various aspects of their lives.

I work with soul-inspired leaders, entrepreneurs, visionaries, creatives, and heart-centered professionals, stepping into greater authenticity and soul orientation. I assists business owners who contribute to a better world with innovative solutions who want to increase their productivity, leverage, and prosperity. 

Many clients seek to cultivate deeper, more loving, and fulfilling relationships. This includes women actively attracting a beloved partner and women already in partnership who desire to move to profound new levels of intimacy.

For couples desiring more intimacy and nourishment, My Beloved Gavin and I combine our skills and offer Couples Immersion Retreats. These in-person events are for up to four couples at a time.

Aligning with your heart, with its wings of love and truth, allows you to soar as a soul-inspired leader and courageously create good in the world.

Why Mentorship?

Receiving support and wisdom from a seasoned mentor illuminates blind spots, invites graceful forward momentum, and amplifies the transformation journey. That’s why I offer private mentorship. 

My gift is seeing your highest potential and offering compassionate, intuitive insights as you organically discover the empowering changes you are called to make - in your life, physical body, professional work, and relationships.

I am an extra set of eyes, perceiving and visioning with you, sharing relevant wisdom, shedding light on shadows, and exploring experiences that inspire and empower you. 

A mentor can be the wind under your wings.


Who do I work with?

I work with people who are ready, able, and willing to enter an intimate, transformational space to ground their spirituality and make lasting positive changes in various aspects of their lives.

I work with soul-inspired leaders, entrepreneurs, visionaries, creatives, and heart-centered professionals, stepping into greater authenticity and soul orientation. I assists business owners who contribute to a better world with innovative solutions want to increase their productivity, leverage, and prosperity. 

Many clients seek to cultivate deeper, more loving, and fulfilling relationships. This includes women actively attracting a beloved partner and women already in partnership who desire to move to profound new levels of intimacy.

For couples desiring more intimacy and nourishment, My Beloved Gavin and I combine our skills and offer Immersion Retreats. These in-person events are for up to four couples at a time.

What is the nature of private sessions?

Private mentorship sessions are designed to support you in developing a deeper understanding and relationship with your Soul, your essential self. In a compassionate and profoundly honest space, I invite opportunities for inner exploration, leading to direct experiences that transform how you live your life, relate to others, and actualize your heart’s desires. My intuitive, collaborative style supports profound shifts from deep inside.

I typically work within four to six-month containers with clients to encourage long-term, sustainable change.

What’s the importance of self-love? 

In my experience, every person is unique and carries a soul signature that wants to be expressed in this world and with others. The first step is becoming familiar with your energy and nurturing your relationship with yourself. From there, you establish lifelong practices that bring meaning and purpose to each moment.

Our work together is holistic, honors your innate ability to heal, and often touches all aspects of your life. It emphasizes inner realizations that establish you in a more integrated and grounded consciousness. As a mentor, I continually encourage you to bring compassion to all aspects of yourself. 

The results you receive are directly proportional to the self-love and inner-honoring that you cultivate in our work together. 

What experience do I bring as a mentor?

With over thirty years of study and practice in the healing arts, spiritual growth, business strategy, and leadership development, my sessions weave various modalities, tools, and intuitive guidance. I am a Soul-Somatic Therapist with extensive experience in one-on-one and group healing. Learn more about my professional path and personal story here. 

I am on a mystical path with my feet on the ground, imminently practical and living my life congruent with my values. I act in partnership with the Divine. I am a student and a teacher. I’ve participated in and led hundreds of workshops, received powerful initiations and certifications, and have decades of studying the fertile intersection of spirituality and psychology. 

When is a good time to engage in private mentorship?

Join me when you are …

  • Facing a significant life transition 
  • Traversing a time of tremendous change or loss
  • Daring to honor a profound spiritual directive
  • Walking towards an ambitious goal
  • Courageously striving for more meaning and fulfillment in your relationships
  • Opening to attracting an intimate and aligned relationship 

A good time to begin is when you feel ready to dedicate yourself to healing and experiencing more joy.

I feel a sense of confidence and clarity

“I am so grateful for all your help in navigating this period of time for me as a start-up wellness coach. I’m feeling more and more whole. It’s almost like before we started working together, I had all these pieces of myself, but I didn’t quite know how to articulate them or how they fit together. Now, I do! I've updated my brand colors, rewrote my website, developed programs I’m proud of prices that feel good, and created a backend with systems and technology integration that leverages my time (and takes away overwhelm). And most importantly, I feel a sense of confidence and clarity about the direction I’m taking creatively and professionally.”

Eric Conte, Wellness Coach and Motivational Speaker, www.SoulbeatCoaching.com



Let’s Get Started 

Schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call with me to explore if we’re a match and how we might collaborate. My mentorship programs include one-on-one and group offerings. 

Mentorship Discovery Call

If you’re looking for my assistance as an Intuitive Business Strategist, schedule a 30-minute Business Discovery Call to discuss your potential benefits of the Business Soul Map Immersion. 

Business Discovery Call

Join our community. 

Sign up for my email list to receive invitations, updates, and inspiration for your awakening journey. I’ll also send you my Energy Tune, “Grounding to Gaia,” so you can stay attuned to Earth Consciousness as you open to more Spirit in your body.