Joy Clarissa Taylor
The Creator Circle is for You When You are Ready to
Birth Your Most Beautiful and Authentic Work
Identify and Create Momentum  with Your Goals
Make Lasting Inner Energetic Transformations to be of Greater Service
Enjoy the Benefits of Community Support and Insights
Receive Gentle Accountability to Accomplish Your Deepest Intentions
The Creator Circle is for You When You are Ready to
  • Allow creative projects to build momentum with a solid structure beneath them.
  • Be strategic and steady while standing in the center of spontaneous flow.
  • Experience rich and rewarding group sharing, ceremony, and healing. 

This is an invitation... go deep within yourself, find your spiritual roots, and come out into the world with your magnetic visibility as a powerful manifester of positive change.

With our world's chaos and unsettled nature, inner peace and calm are ever essential. From our soul stability, we do our best work and contribute to a better world.

Are you a visionary woman choosing to step into your fullest expression? Is there a next level of expansion, offerings, or messages you are birthing?

At times, you may feel isolated in your creations. This is not uncommon for professionals and entrepreneurs. Sometimes, it can be hard to see clearly, discern priorities, and make wise choices. Being in a MasterHeart offers support, inspiration, and insight. You have the benefit of others’ wisdom, experiences, and resources.

Together, we open to the mystical path of creativity with our feet on the ground.

This group is about discovering what is true for you and your work—beyond the superficial—so that you can show up authentically and shine your light in the dark of the world.

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Creators Circle

– Dr. Widian Nicola

“I'm amazed at the level of progress I have made in my work with Joy. Prior to our work together, I had a cacophony of ideas about my work. While excited, I was overwhelmed about how to best get there. Since our sessions, I have found clarity, strategy, and powerful direction for my goals. I now feel grounded and empowered to elevate my work, evidenced by the increase in clients and expansion of my business.”

“Creative callings aren’t understood from the logic of the thinking mind”

– Kim Hermanson 


  • Six months with group sessions offered every other Thursday from 11 - 1 PT (2 - 4 ET)
  • Two 75-minute private sessions with me within the six months 
  • Private online community portal with member roster, discussions, replays, and resources
  • Entrepreneurial videos, worksheets, and templates highlighting The Business Soul Map framework. 
  • Self-paced online video course Clear the Way to Live Your Intuitive Life 
  • The power of prayer and healing from the group connections and collective energetic intentions
  • Gentle accountability reminders and tracking to keep your creation in motion
  • The option to continue on a monthly subscription after your initial six-months 
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How it Works

The Creators Circle is limited to twelve members to enrich an intimate and diverse environment. Each circle member commits to an initial six months, followed by an option to continue month by month. Lovely visionary women flow in and out of the Circle, creating flexibility to meet your needs and timing while organically adding nuance to the rich exchanges and networking in the group.

The Circle is offered by application to maintain a synergy of heart-open, conscious, and courageous creators!

The Circle meets every other Thursday from 11 am - 1 pm PT (2 - 4 pm ET and 7 - 9 pm England) 

Joy Taylor is a Spiritual Leadership and Authenticity Guide. As an ordained priestess, lover of the wild, tantrica, and an artist of life, she sees herself as a companion in awakening, honoring the principles of nature and each individual's innate ability to heal and experience greater, sustainable happiness. 

She is the founder of A Soul-Inspired Life, a company dedicated to the evolution of consciousness. The author of the #1 Amazon best-selling book Inspired, she is passionate about empowering people to contribute to a better world through spiritual embodiment and spirit-led action.

As a successful entrepreneur and Intuitive Business Strategist, she has helped thousands of professionals, healers, practitioners, coaches, and trainers build profitable, purposeful businesses. In 2019, she developed The Business Soul Map - a flexible, visual framework that creates clarity and momentum for leaders building businesses in alignment with their visions and values.

Her background includes serving as a somatic therapist and healer, corporate marketing and sales trainer, college-level business faculty, and Director of The Women’s Business Center in Northern California. She founded Lead Online Academy, Inc., a company that successfully offered new model training management services for economic development organizations, including federally funded grant programs. 

Joy emanates love and draws from rich traditions, including metaphysical Christianity, mystic Judaism, and Hindu philosophy. She is a licensed massage therapist, certified yoga instructor, and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. A student of consciousness and the esoteric arts, she weaves dance, music, writing, and visual expression into her alchemical work and lifestyle. She lives with her beloved partner, Gavin, in the nature-filled majesty of Mt. Shasta, CA.

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To invest means to back yourself and believe in your success.

When you say yes, you leverage this program, community, and training to create the results you seek - professionally, personally, and financially. 

Once you apply and are accepted, you'll have two ways to join the program, each with payment options. 

The Core MasterHeart Program is $350 monthly for six months (a total of $2,100) and includes two group sessions per month and two private mentorship sessions with me during the program ($2,000 if paid in full, a $100 savings) 

The MasterHeart + Mentorship Program is $500 monthly for six months (a total of $3,000) and includes two group sessions per month and six private mentorship sessions with me during the program ($2,800 if paid in full, a $200 savings)

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– Meg Benedicte

Founder of Quantum Access® 

“When I was developing my new online Academy, I reached out to Joy for her knowledge and expertise. We spent considerable time uncovering my personal and business brand as the foundation. Together, we designed a learning platform and launch plan for the Academy website. Joy’s ideas and knowledge saved me time and supported me to complete the project with creativity and the high frequency messaging that my clients and students expect. Now, I share my healing Modality and Protocols with those seeking spiritual transformation.“

Frequently Asked Questions

The Creators Circle empowers leaders to bring their projects and passions to life. 

We'll provide gentle accountability to help catapult these beautiful ideas into the world.

The Creators Circle will inspire and guide you to manifest both an external project and an internal transformation.

Each member will be birthing an inspired creation.

Alongside these outer creations, you will focus on embodying an inner energy – a quality or characteristic - that draws you into your most authentic self. Something timely for you now.

Our energy catapults our outer creations. When we consciously deepen and expand our connection to the Spirit, we live in a flow state – accomplishing and co-creating more in Divine timing and with grace.

Energy first.

Manifestation and inner transformation spring from abundance.

We create at our highest from our joy.

Creators Circle



Join our community. 

Sign up for my email list to receive invitations, updates, and inspiration for your awakening journey. I’ll also send you my Energy Tune, “Grounding to Gaia,” so you can stay attuned to Earth Consciousness as you open to more Spirit in your body.