Joy's Recommended Resources

I am happy to share with you the people and products that have helped me grow and succeed. In my Soul Inspired Marketing class I talk about the importance of working with other entrepreneurs and growing strong partnerships. Here are people and organizations I highly recommend.
Featured Partner
- Alternative Balance Insurance is one of my promotional partners because of the resources and credibility of the company. (They are also listed below under Other Entrepreneurial Support because they have been in the business of supporting service entrepreneurs for 20 years.) I am an affiliate. You can be one, too.
Tech Tools and Resources
Here are the top tools that I use and recommend for transformation leaders and writers. We talk about many of these tools in our Lead Online Programs course.
- Dictation Software If you’ve taken a course with me, you know how much I recommend utilizing your mobile phone as a recording device for dictations. When inspiration strikes, push record and let your thoughts come through. And what can you do when something original and brilliant flows through? Upload your audio to Temi software and get a transcription. Transcriptions are ideal for book writing, blog posts, video scripts, and other writing projects. I’ve also used Temi to transcribe interviews. Temi is affordable and amazingly accurate.
Point of Sale System Are you using Square? It is a way to offer point of sale and take credit cards using your mobile phone. It’s simple to set up your own account. Use, my link, and you will receive FREE processing on up to $1,000 in credit card transactions for the first 180 days*. I am an affiliate.
Editing Software Grammarly is saving my ass (aka – my professional life). I’m not a great speller. Once you install it, the application corrects your grammar! Here's the official website. There is a free version and an upgrade.
Videoconference and Webinar Software I’m a super big fan of Zoom. It is the leader in videoconference. The interface is accessible and approachable for trainers and participants. I use their meetings and webinars! The resource center is rich. Customer service is great. I’ve been with Zoom since 2014.
Learning Management Software I love Kajabi software! It is the home base for my website and all of my online programs. Are you considering bringing your trainings and online community to an all-in-one website platform?
What I love? Kajabi is an all in one platform that integrates emails, lead funnels, online learning, money transactions, and your website. Full disclosure: I am an affiliate (and if you love the program as much as I do, you can be one as well). Take a look: -
Social Media Integration and Planning We use Buffer. Preplan your social media posts and broadcast on all the channels. Buffer is easy to use (but remember to have a content calendar). Tell your brand’s story and grow your audience with a publishing, analytics, and engagement platform you can trust.
Do it Yourself Graphic Design Check out Canva uses a freemium business model. You can use it for free, but you need to upgrade to the premium version to unlock more features. For instance, the premium version of Canva allows you to choose more design templates. You will also be able to create many folders to organize your designs.
Growing Your Business
Here are my recommendations for the non-technical support in starting and growing your business.
- Small Business Administration (SBA)
Right now I recommend you access SBA resources for Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
Other Entrepreneurial Support
We all need support for services outside of our zone of genius. Here are a few I recommend.
- Liability Insurance for Well-Being Professionals If you are a service professional in the well-being field, you may choose to have general and professional liability insurance. I recommend Alternative Balance Insurance because of the reasonable pricing, helpful customer care, and credibility of the company. They have been in the business for 20-years. I am an affiliate. You can be one, too.
Intellectual Property Attorney People often ask me about intellectual property. You can do a lot of research and file for trademarks on your own, but if you want to hire an attorney, check out Gerben Law. I have used this firm successfully with two clients
Book Writing and Publishing Support
David is my writing coach and he is totally spot on for anyone writing about consciousness. He is a mentor, creative mindskill coach, book design collaborator, and all things publishing and marketing guide.
Want to write a book but wonder if you are a good enough writer? Looking for advice, help with editing or publishing ideas.
So … What else are you looking for?
This page is growing. Email us ([email protected]) and let us know what resources you are looking for. We’ll include more as time goes.
I’m a big fan of transformational books and uplifting music, you may see those resources here, too. After all, we are all about inspiration, right?
Transparency Statement
Unless specifically stated, the links I share are not affiliate links nor do I receive any financial reimbursement for promoting them. I share what’s lighting me up in hopes that it does the same for you.
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