JOY LINKS for November 2019

Your JOY LINKS are here. Happy November!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to subscriber Nicola Amadora. My connection with Nicola deepened in September as she guided me and 13 women to the south of France where we embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage that took us into the sacred caves (portals of awakening) where Mary Magdalene lived the last years of her life. You can learn more about Nicola’s annual pilgrimage HERE.

A Soul Inspired Life LINKS

Over the last few months I’ve been reading books about Mary Magdalene. Here are my favorite four (to date). I’ll keep you posted because I’ve got more Mary books in my reading que.
Music is a way to enhance our moods. I often crave something high vibe and calming. Can you relate? I first discovered Patrick Bernhard in 1995 while giving energy healing treatments. He offers a smooth, luscious, and sacred sound that nourishes the soul.
Written and illustrated by a longtime friend Karen Justice, I’m thrilled to celebrate Mermaids Love Manatees: Happiness Found - a NEW colorful exploration of how we can all choose happiness and share it. For children and children at heart.

Soul Inspired Leadership LINKS

If you are a service professional in the well-being field, you may choose to have general and professional liability insurance. I recommend Alternative Balance Insurance because of the reasonable pricing, helpful customer care, and credibility of the company. They have been in the business for 20-years. (I am an affiliate. You can be one, too.)
If you’ve taken a course with me, you know how much I recommend utilizing your mobile phone to record dictations. When inspiration strikes, push record and let your thoughts come through. What can you do when something original and brilliant flows through? Upload your audio to Temi software and get a transcription. Transcriptions are ideal for book writing, blog posts, video scripts, and other writing projects. I’ve also used Temi to transcribe interviews. Temi is affordable and amazingly accurate.

Inspired Insights for November: (From Inspired)

“Expressing gratitude does not mean that we deny what needs fixing in ourselves, our lives, and in the world around us. Nor does gratitude give us permission to polish over hurts and disappointments in a form of spiritual bypass.
Instead, we can find gratitude for the challenges in our lives – the hard stuff.
It is a reframe to ponder, ‘Thank you for this lesson. What can I learn?’ Then we are empowered to proceed with making any necessary changes — sacred activism, conflict resolution, and compassionate communication.
With gratitude for our lessons, we make changes with a deeper sense of peace. We take aligned action from a place of passion — not anger or fear.”
Together we are INSPIRED!
To see this JOY LINKS blog post on A Soul Inspired Life, check it out here!
Joy Taylor
professional development for soul-inspired leaders


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