In the Face of Fear, Face Fear: A Special Post for Business Owners

There is a lot of global fear right now and a plethora of unknowns. You may be experiencing some fears, too - about your health, your family, and your business.
In my experience, the best thing to do with fear is to face it. Name it, acknowledge it, and bring it to awareness. Fear no longer lingers in the unconscious shadow when it is brought to light.
When we look at fear, we see it, and it loses power over us. When we name our fears, they become a temporary part of us, but not who we are. Fears that are felt can be integrated and transformed.
I know that when I come from a loving, present place, I can look at my fears (usually the fear of the unknown) and feel them. Then, I'm able to make a choice on what to do next. I'm able to consider better, more loving ways to respond.
I can look at the “scary” unknown and consider options and solutions. I actually get excited by the mystery of what wants to unfold. I find that many of my so-called fears have wisdom when they are examined. They may not be a crisis but are
often an opportunity. We lose out on some great ideas and insights if we hide from fear.
Maybe you can relate, or perhaps this mindset is difficult for you. Regardless, as business owners, our job is to find the good, the possibilities, the pivots, and the solutions. This is especially pertinent now when it's natural to be worried about how the COVID-19 pandemic might affect our businesses.
My recommendation is to be a realist and calmly examine everything. Once we examine, we can make empowered, wise and even optimistic choices. If you face your business fears with a steady and calm presence (your own or invite an advisor), you can find solutions. Smart entrepreneurs are always identifying threats and opportunities - not ignoring them. Evaluate these with a sense of possibility - not panic. Now is the time. Look at the fears. Which are unfounded or false and which
are actually potential threats?
We make choices based on exploring best-case and worst-case scenarios. Explore the ‘what ifs' as this is what contingency planning is all about. According to, “A contingency plan is a course of action designed to help an organization respond effectively to a significant future event or situation that may or may not happen.”
Next, evaluate the options and make a ‘Plan B’ (maybe a “Plan C”, too). In the process of making new plans, fear falls away – there is direction again. Throughout the process, conscious choices and empowered ideas arise! As you look at best-case and worst-case scenarios, you may find a new direction.
I hope you receive this blog as I’m intending it – to open our eyes to options. I believe it is a good time for all soul-inspired entrepreneurs to move out of denial and into responsible action. It's time to stop fearing the unknown and instead, explore it and trust the blessings.
Innovation is born from times like these.
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