Schedule Your Discovery Call

The Creators Circle begins June 8th.

Will you circle with us?

First Session









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Do you have great writing ideas but don’t take the time to write or finish them?

Are you seeking a sisterhood to share, laugh, and learn with?

Are you ready to bring forth more of the truth inside you?

Are you writing a book?  Creating content for a blog?  Crafting articles or social posts?  Updating website copy?  

Or do you simply love writing?


"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”—Maya Angelou 

There are infinite gifts, stories, and songs inside you. There are oodles of doodles. They want to be expressed. Guaranteed. You are a creator, and your natural state is creating. Liberate your voice. Dance your dance. Proclaim your passion. Articulate your wisdom.

Writing opens our authentic, artistic selves. It transforms our lives, clarifies our visions, and reveals wisdom. 

Writing saves lives. Writing guides you to freedom. 

Is this speaking to you? 


Join a collective of creative women journeying into new territories in writing and soul expression.

  • Tap into your unique and spontaneous voice.
  • Explore writing as a way to strengthen your relationship with intuition.
  • Enter a safe and creative environment for honesty, vulnerability, and humor.
  • Practice automatic writing, poetry, journaling, and various out-side-of -the-box wordplay, vocal activations, and embodiment games.
  • Access inspired pathways to nourish your relationship with the muse.
  • Connect with heart-centered, conscious women.
Iā€™m interested. Add me to the waiting list

The Creators Circle includes . . .

  • Interactive Group Sessions - nine sessions over five months live on Zoom. Each 2-hour session includes a powerful activation, movement, and vocal warm-up to energize and awaken potential. Next, we drop into a theme learning session combining training, writing, sharing, and feedback.
  • Weekly Instructional Emails with writing prompts, a short video tutorial featuring a new writing practice, and an invite to share with your Circle in the online hub.
  • Powerful Bonus Video Content includes guest experts sharing tools for writer's block, time and technology for authors, publishing options, and other creative impulses.
  • One five-hour Saturday Writing Circle in August - a morning live check-in session, 3.5 hours of self-paced writing on your own, and an afternoon feedback and wrap-up session. This is a day allotted to getting a big project completed. 

  • An Online Writers Hub for resources, replays, all the materials, schedule, and most importantly - - -  juicy conversations with Circle Mates.
  • Replays if you miss a session, you can watch or listen. If you want to review a part of the meeting, you have access 24/7.
  • Accountability and support for follow through. Often your circle becomes a writer's network for you, as well! (big bonus)
  • Save the dates for live calls Thursdays, June 8, 22, July 6, 20, Aug 10, 24, Sept 7, 21, and Oct 5. The time is 12-2 pm PT. Saturday Writing Circle is August 5th.


Will you gather with us? 

If you feel the call, 

If you are getting Goddess bumps, 

If you feel like this is a YES for you, 

We want you with us. Trust it.

We are calling artists of life, spirit-led leaders, and truth-seekers alike. 

We created this circle for...

Visionaries. Entrepreneurs. Trainers. Authors. Holistic Practitioners. Content Creators. Poets. Explorers of Consciousness. Priestesses. Yoginis.

Purposeful women who are sincere on the path to self-discovery and self-empowerment.  

We welcome you as you are.  Are you a caring woman giving to others but not prioritizing her projects? A woman who feels like her creative spark is dwindling? An adventurer who wants to explore new frontiers through writing?

Iā€™m interested. Add me to the waiting list

The Creators Circle is Forming.

Will you gather with us? 

If you feel the call, 

If you are getting Goddess bumps, 

If you feel like this is a YES for you, 

We want you with us. Trust it.

We are calling artists of life, spirit-led leaders, and truth-seekers alike. 

We created this circle for...

Visionaries. Entrepreneurs. Trainers. Authors. Holistic Practitioners. Content Creators. Poets. Explorers of Consciousness. Priestesses. Yoginis.

Purposeful women who are sincere on the path to self-discovery and self-empowerment.  

We welcome you as you are.  Are you a caring woman giving to others but not prioritizing her projects? A woman who feels like her creative spark is dwindling? An adventurer who wants to explore new frontiers through writing?


You are a creator.  What are you creating?  What do you desire? 

Your desires get the creative juices flowing. Once creativity flows, you more naturally shine your soul light. 

During the Creators Circle, you will learn how to read your writing so that you become a vibrational match to your message and transmit it to those listening. You will receive honest feedback and reflection. You will stay accountable, avoid procrastination, and meet potential co-creators. 

In an intimate setting, we nurture relationships. This is a safe space that invites self-responsibility, empowerment, and gratitude. Feel secure, courageous, authentic, and open about Who You Really Are and what you are here to do. Tap into your inner priestess and essential archetypes.


"Within the most profound and awesome creative expressions, accomplishments, and activities, inspiration is at work—guiding and propelling humanity forward, moving through us, and as us, when we allow it.” - Joy Taylor from Inspired

Meet Joy.

Joy Taylor is an ordained priestess, truth-teller, and artist of life. As a companion guide in awakening, she honors the principles of nature and everyone’s innate ability to heal and to create a life they love.

She is the founder of A Soul-Inspired Life, a company dedicated to the evolution of consciousness. The author of the #1 Amazon bestselling book, Inspired, and creator of A Woman's Way of Awakening, she is passionate about empowering people to contribute to a better world through authentic spiritual embodiment and inspired action.

Joy loves to write. She’s been journaling and doodling for over thirty years, writing her way to truth. Most recently, she utilized writing to access her intuition and connect with her Guides. Utilizing automatic writing, Joy is in awe of the grace. 

As an empath with her feet on the ground, she weaves the practical with the mystical. She integrates soul exploration, breath, embodiment practices, dance, music, writing, and visual expression into her alchemical work. 

Joy lives in Sacred Mt. Shasta, California, where heaven and earth meet. Her days are filled with yoga, tree hugs, lake swims or snow shoes, and soul-inspired services with clients and friends.

Meet Sage.

Sage Simpson is a teacher, creator, ceremonialist, and coach. Grounded in integrity, pleasure, connection and love, she helps people align with the truth of who they are. 

Sage offers an ecstatic and eclectic blend of transformational practices. She teaches poetry, performance, writing, and Yoga teacher training. She facilitates Sacred Sexuality Circles, Cathartic Ceremony, and Rewilding retreats, all supporting people in awakening and remembering the pleasure, peace, and love that is their true nature. With Sage’s intuitive and unconditional loving presence, reconnection with your body, spirituality, sexuality, nature, and creativity naturally emerge.

Sage fell in love with writing and drawing young and her journal and pen have been her global travel partners. Her daily personal writing practice is a sacred space for self-reflection, contemplation, spiritual connection, and creative expression. This past year she also began writing her first book. 

She loves supporting others to develop their personal writing practice, supporting people as they shed layers of false self, and witnessing metamorphosis and self-realization. 

She lives in Maui and loves to breathe, chant, pray, swim naked, walk & dance barefoot, and let the juice of ripe mangoes get all over her face.

Get to know Sage and Joy on the 'oh so intimate' Peaceful by Nature podcast.

Why Join Us? Why Now?

Unleased, untamed, unapologetic writing teaches you how to express yourself, accept yourself, and empower yourself.

Sharing your work and receiving feedback helps you develop healthy narratives that replace negative self-talk. 

Dropping into a community space with your writing projects and creative endeavors allows you to share your wisdom with others. 

More benefits:

  • Self-reflection so that you can align your life with what you value. 
  • Integration to heal from the past and put together the threads of the tapestry of your life.
  • Remembering and claiming your totality to create coherence and belonging to self.
  • Clarity and visioning as you let your heart speak instead of the fearful mind.
  • Developing your writing rhythm and practice. 

In a facilitated group setting, you’ll establish accountability for your projects, receive ideas from others, inspiration from the collective, plus new skills and techniques, to become a soul-inspired writer.

Iā€™m interested. Add me to the waiting list

“What does it mean to be divinely inspired in a creative process? It means that in the act of creation itself, the ego is set aside. You make yourself a conduit for whatever your beloved … wants to bring forth upon the earth. The pen moves like lighting over the page, the paintbrush dances across the canvas, the voice lifts in the song that comes from a place deep within the soul’s knowing.”

- Lunaea Weatherstone, Tending Brigid’s Flame.

Our next Creators Circle is scheduled for October 19.

Registration will open soon. Get Early Bird notification and be the first to join.

We will not send SPAM, your information is safe with us.

Join a sanctuary of sisterhood at the base of sacred Mt. Shasta for four days of illumination, exploration, and renewal. Walk barefoot in the pines, sing around the fire, swim in alpine lakes, eat nourishing meals, go to bed and wake up with the sun, rest when you are tired, and dance when you desire. 

We all need time to unplug, be honest with ourselves, and play. And to be witnessed in all of it. This is a four-day break from self-judgments, shoulds, to-do lists, and technology.

This is a time for self-nurturing and remembering, and you deserve it.



“Sage acts as a conduit for self-exploration through her own honest inquiry into body, mind, and spirit. She does her homework.” - Mary Schjeldahl

“Joy shows us how to become our true selves and live a satisfying and reverent life.” - Melanie Gow, speaker, author, and Legend Maker

“Sage leads … with depth, attunement, and presence. Sage’s leadership style helped me feel safe and seen which brought me to depths that altered my way of thinking about myself and others. Her openness allows openness which empowers.”  ~Carole Harris

“Joy's book Inspired is a joy to read. It is like breathing inspiration on every page right into your heart!” - Nicola Amadora PhD., Psychologist, Spiritual Teacher



Looking For Business Support?

Intuitive Business Facilitation for Holistic Practitioners and Evolutionary Entrepreneurs

Join me for this dynamic processFocusing on your business's energetics and the 'nuts and bolts' needed to thrive in your profession, The Business Soul MAP guides visioning, diagnostic truth-telling, inspiration, and action steps.

Grow Your Intuition - My Free Gift for You

Enjoy chapter three on intuition plus bonus materials, including the 7 Wisdoms in 7 days email series and updates on free events with Joy.






  [email protected]

  Address 2323 N Old Stage Rd., Mt. Shasta, CA 96067