$120.00 USD

30-Minute Business Coaching Session

Are you wondering…

  • How do I get more clients?
  • What do I need to prioritize?
  • Why am I stuck?
  • Are my prices where they should be?
  • Why do I feel so overwhelmed?
  • What’s holding me back?

Schedule an Intuitive Reading and find answers. Let's tune in together so that you:

  • Get the clarity you are looking for.
  • Gain the strength and confidence to take positive next steps. 

During your session, I will gently and intuitively invite you to find alignment and direction with your business. We will receive messages in a co-creative process (including you, your soul, me, my soul, and Source Intelligence). You feel and sense your soul's truth. You discern as we take the intuitive journey. I support you as I sense your energy and ask essential questions.

These messages often ignite immediate change in your inner beliefs and energy patterns. Awareness and self-honesty are powerful and loving.

The guidance will be coupled with practicality. Depending on your questions, you'll walk away with business strategies and methods to get you into momentum and propel your abilities to do good work in the world.

With wise choices, you gain more clients, make more money, fine-tune your offerings and follow your bliss. 

Taking action on intuitive guidance saves you massive time and money at work. It is the ultimate leverage and the way to succeeding and reaching your dreams. 

Plus, you'll have a lot more fun! Your creativity will blossom. You'll feel connected to something bigger than you - working through you. Business is meant to be fun and flowing.